• Blog
  • May 19, 2022
  • By Cam Sivesind
36 Marketing Attribution Companies: Your Guide to the Smorgasbord of Players

If you’re reviewing attribution software, we did the initial research for you. See our list of attribution providers, ranging from full multi-touch to point solutions and everything in between, before you continue your own research on your way to making a decision. Book a demo of our attribution software when you are ready to explore our solution.

As an enterprise marketer looking at marketing technology solutions, particularly providers of multi-touch attribution software and point solutions, you should first of all be congratulated for being forward thinking and looking to get a leg up on the competition.

Here’s our take on the fast-growing, ever-evolving enterprise marketing attribution industry landscape, provider options available, and what might be the best fit for you. It’s an introspective look at our own niche industry, if you will.

So let’s dive in to our list, examining multi-touch attribution software, vendors that have been acquired by larger companies, those that offer point solutions – meaning their businesses focus on providing attribution to one or two focused channels – and finally bolt-on and honorable mention marketing analytics options.

Impartial Multi-Touch Attribution Software Companies

For starters, if you want to garner the best insights from attribution data, you must take an omni-channel approach and use a provider that offers true multi-touch attribution (MTA). It’s what we at LeadsRx have been doing since we launched 5-plus years ago, and we continue to evolve and add new products. If you aren’t impartial, and you aren’t omni-channel, you aren’t probably looking at your marketing programs in the best light.

This first group of vendors is the best-of-the-best. To be included in this category, vendors must collect data using their own pixel, be “enterprise caliber” in terms of performance and capabilities, aren’t compromised by nefarious relationships with ad networks, and have the ability to track a minimum set of marketing channels. Here’s our list:

1. C3 Metrics

C3 Metrics uses its Attribution Data Cloud to provide a single source of truth across digital, TV, radio, and direct mail advertising channels. Its software measures how much time campaigns are taking to make an impact, which marketing investments should be increased, decreased or paused, and what brand messaging and marketing creative is most effective. MTA, mixed media marketing and unified marketing measurement solutions provide reporting in real-time, across platforms.

  • Good fit for: Global enterprise marketers looking for a wholistic view of their marketing spend both at a tactical and strategic level.
  • Pricing for C3 Metrics: Available upon request


2. LeadsRx


LeadsRx is a marketing attribution software platform that collects touchpoints across all channels, captures conversions throughout the entire funnel, and provides impartial insights from the attribution data that is collected. Marketers receive full customer journey mapping as the LeadsRx proprietary Universal Conversion Tracking Pixel™ captures all marketing touchpoints cross-device and cross-domain, including online digital and offline broadcast channels. Insights are available in real-time so campaign and budget adjustments can be made during a campaign in-flight, and return on ad spend (ROAS) can be optimized.

  • Good fit for: Mid-to-large enterprise marketers and agencies seeking impartial insights across all channels in their campaigns
  • Pricing for LeadRx: Available upon request


3. Neustar

Neustar offers a broad set of products, one of which includes multi-touch attribution. Their focus is to help marketers monitor the results of both their online and offline campaigns. Product capabilities allow marketers to fully understand their customer journeys and identify what impact their omni-channel campaigns are having on their conversions. Neustar Marketshare provides analytic tools that connect data across marketing channels so marketers can better reach different customers, be more efficient with marketing tactics, and influence customers with the right channel at the right time. Better return on spend is the ultimate goal.

  • Good fit for: Businesses investing in offline advertising
  • Pricing for Neustar: Available upon request

Multi-Touch Attribution Software Providers That Have Been Acquired

While the MarTech space has seen its share of multi-touch attribution providers come and go, these providers are still around, but they now report to a higher power. Because they were acquired by monolithic companies with skin in the advertising industry, it’s possible these vendors’ impartiality has been compromised. It is harder to make a case for their impartiality if their parent companies hide behind Walled Gardens, or if those parent companies sell ads themselves.

4. AdometryAdometry was acquired by Google in May 2014, and the technology – using advanced machine learning to better track and credit ad clicks that lead to conversions – is the foundation of Google Analytics 360.

  • Good fit for: Existing Google advertisers
  • Pricing for Adometry: Free to all eligible advertisers already using Google Analytics

5. Bizible – Focused on B2B marketing, Bizible was acquired by Marketo, who in turn was acquired by Adobe. The platform uses granular performance data and machine learning forecasts to track B2B buyer journeys. UPDATE:  Bizible is now part of Adobe.

  • Good fit for: B2B marketers
  • Pricing for Bizible: Available upon request

6. Conversion LogicVideoAmp, an interoperable measurement and optimization platform, acquired Conversion Logic in March 2020. Conversion Logic is a SaaS provider of cross-channel attribution, measurement and analytics solutions that uses a machine learning framework.

  • Good fit for: Marketers and media owners advertising on linear TV, OTT and digital media
  • Pricing for Conversion Logic: Available upon request

7. Convertro – Convertro created a marketing optimization platform that keeps track of ROI and tracks marketing touchpoints across several types of media. The company was sold to AOL in 2014, and AOL is now a brand marketed by Verizon Media. We were unable to find updated information on Convertro and are unsure about its viability at this time.

  • Good fit for: Digital marketers with large budgets and cross-platform identity requirements.
  • Pricing for Convertro: Available upon request

8. LookerLooker, now part of Google Cloud, uses modern business intelligence and analytics to provide a multi-cloud strategy that connects with various databases and delivers data science workflows.

  • Good fit for: Marketers looking for data visualization solutions and experiences
  • Pricing for Looker: Available upon request

9. Nielsen Visual IQVisual IQ was acquired by Nielsen in 2017. Nielsen’s broad data analytic capabilities and global reach help some of the largest companies get important insights from their marketing spend.

  • Good fit for: Global brands and agency marketers
  • Pricing for Nielsen Visual IQ: Available upon request

Marketing Attribution Software Point Solutions

The vendors in this category only focus on providing attribution for one or two specific marketing channels. Their attribution focus is very narrow, so multi-touch attribution is not achievable and considerations of the effects of other marketing channels are not included.

10. #250#250 focuses on capturing radio advertising reach to commuters, specifically, by allowing drivers to say “#250” and a spoken key word associated with the advertising business into their cell phone. A followup text can be sent with a phone number, website URL, or discount offer.

  • Good fit for: Broadcaster advertisers looking to capitalize on radio spots and improve lead-gen.
  • Pricing for #250: Available upon request; monthly fee typically around 5-10% of radio airtime charge, but depends on keyword and DMA

11. AnalyticOwlAnalyticOwl measures radio and television ad effectiveness using Google Analytics data as the basis of attribution. Without the ability to track bottoms-up conversions at the individual level, the tool is largely focused on measuring website traffic.

  • Good fit for: Broadcasters wanting to provide basic insights into how ad exposure results in added website traffic
  • Pricing for AnalyticOwl: Available upon request

12. AppsFlyerAppsFlyer focuses on attribution for mobile app installs and the media sources that drove them, including TV and OTT, as well as uninstall attribution (customers lost).

  • Good fit for: Businesses using mobile apps for marketing
  • Pricing for AppsFlyer: Ranges from free tools to a growth model of 6 cents/conversion to a scaled enterprise model (pricing available upon request)

13. CallRail – The CallRail platform focuses on call and conversion data to see how inbound calls, online forms and texts are performing and working with other marketing platforms.

  • Good fit for: Businesses whose marketing is based on inbound calls, online forms and text messages
  • Pricing for CallRail: Range from $45/month for call tracking to $145/month for the analytics suite, including conversion and marketing analytics

14. CallSourceCallSource started as a call-tracking service that now provides expertise in call processing, real-time online reporting, and personal coaching.

  • Good fit for: Businesses focused on heavy call volumes
  • Pricing for CallSource: Available upon request

15. Chartable Chartable provides podcast analytics and attribution tools to help publishers grow and brands and agencies understand their spend. UPDATE: Chartable is now part of Spotify.

  • Good fit for: Podcast publishers and advertisers
  • Pricing for Chartable: Free for hobbyists; $20/month and $100/month, respectively, for Indie and Pro versions; enterprise-level pricing available upon request

16. iSpotTV – iSpotTV verifies impressions and view rates for all TV ads across a panel of 16M Smart TVs using a universal ad catalog and media measurement

  • Good fit for: Brands and agencies advertising on television
  • Pricing for iSpotTV: Available upon request

17. MarchexMarchex determines which marketing efforts generate inbound calls and texts, helps rescue missed opportunities, and boosts customer engagement and response rates.

  • Good fit for: Businesses focused on heavy call and text volumes
  • Pricing for Marchex: Available upon request

18. Podsights – Built specifically for podcasting, Podsights connects podcast downloads to onsite activity to show campaign effectiveness. UPDATE: Podsights is now part of Spotify.

  • Good fit for: Brands and agencies that advertise on podcasts
  • Pricing for Podsights: $1.95 CPM pay-as-you-go for brands new to podcasting; flat rate of $500 for established brands and agencies

19. TVSquaredTVSquared is a single, unified platform measuring impressions, reach and outcomes across linear and digital TV, including OTT.

  • Good fit for: Broadcast and digital TV advertisers
  • Pricing for TVSquared: Available upon request

20. VeritoneVeritone correlates broadcast ad placement of all formats with website interaction data for near real-time insights to strengthen buy-side relationships. Because the tool only uses Google Analytics data, it focuses on measuring website traffic instead of business outcomes.

  • Good fit for: Television and radio broadcasters using other Veritone solutions
  • Pricing for Veritone: Available upon request

Bolt-on Marketing Attribution Software or Analytics Solutions

In this section, we list solutions that don’t exactly fit the definition of attribution – certainly not multi-touch, cross-channel, omni-channel attribution. The vendors listed below either acquired an attribution tool or bolted on an ad tech solution to their existing core business ecosystem.

This list represents companies who are all successful with their core business, and simply decided to “bolt on” attribution as an additional service.

21. Adobe Analytics – With web analytics as a main focus, Adobe Analytics (after acquiring Marketo) also tracks data from any channel to examine customer journeys. The company also offers predictive analytics through AI and machine learning.

  • Good fit for: Marketers looking to improve their digital marketing experience
  • Pricing for Adobe Analytics: Available upon request

22. Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics works with its own advertising and publishing products to tell marketers how its products are performing. While the tools are free, the data is more self-serving than self-service.

  • Good fit for: Marketers using Google Ads and paid search who want to measure the effectiveness of those specific channels
  • Pricing for Google Analytics: Free

23. Hubspot – Marketing attribution is a part of the HubSpot CRM platform, which is full of many tools and integrations – from customer service assistance to website building.

  • Good fit for: Marketers looking for a wide range of assistance, including content distribution and automated workflows
  • Pricing for HubSpot: $40/month for the starter package to $3,200/month for the enterprise package

24. PardotPardot is the marketing automation solution offered by Salesforce with the objective of helping marketers close more deals in the sales pipeline.

  • Good fit for: Salesforce users looking to streamline their marketing and sales efforts
  • Pricing for Pardot: Ranges from $1,250/month for the basic package to $15,000/month for the premium package

Attribution Software Worth an Honorable Mention

These are vendors that play in the ad tech space and could be an option, depending on the size and type of your business – B2B, B2C or D2C. Although these are not enterprise solutions, they might be worth exploring for a test run, say for an ecommerce business selling T-shirts or homemade bath soaps exclusively through a social media channel or two.

Expect to get what you pay for here and the value will be derived if you have a small media spend and only focus on a few (primarily digital) channels.

25. AdintonAdinton tracks user behavior, pushing data through a machine learning algorithm to group users based on buyer intent.

  • Good fit for: Startups, ecommerce businesses, and large companies
  • Pricing for Adinton: Available upon request

26. Altitude by ImpactAltitude by Impact uses its Partnership Cloud automation platform to scale partnership programs, including affiliates, influencers, strategic business partners, mobile apps, publishers, and more.

  • Good fit for: Companies working with partners and affiliates
  • Pricing for Altitude: Available upon request

27. Attribution App – The Attribution App platform uses proprietary algorithms to measure performance of broadcast, digital and offline marketing campaigns.

  • Good fit for: B2B and B2C marketers
  • Pricing for Attribution App: Available upon request

28. Databox – The aim of Databox is to help marketers better visualize their data in a single place.

  • Good fit for: Businesses and agencies
  • Pricing for Databox: Ranges from a free version to $248/month for a business plan

29. DemandJumpDemandJump uses data-driven attribution to combine marketing data with customer behavior to determine competitive gaps and market share opportunities.

  • Good fit for: B2B and B2C companies and agencies
  • Pricing for DemandJump: Ranges from $99/month for a starter plan; $1,499/month for a pro plan; enterprise plan pricing available upon request

30. Dreamdata.io – Through smart tracking and machine learning, dreamdata maps the touchpoints of the B2B customer journey across sales, product and marketing.

  • Good fit for: B2B companies
  • Pricing for dreamdata: $999/month for the business plan; enterprise plan pricing available upon request

31. FunnelFunnel collects data from any data source, cleans and groups the data into a mapping interface, and feeds it into the customer’s preferred tool.

  • Good fit for: Ecommerce marketers and agencies
  • Pricing for Funnel: Standard is $499/month, business is $799/month, professional is $999/month; enterprise/agency pricing available upon request

32. OribiOribi tracks website traffic to uncover where prospects are won or lost, across domains, and what content is most successful at driving content. UPDATE: Oribi is now part of LinkedIn.

  • Good fit for: Ecommerce markers and agencies
  • Pricing for Oribi: Business plans start at $350/month, ecommerce plans at $400/month, and agency plans at $750/month, with an increasing tiered cost structure dependent on the number of visitors or clients (and a discount for an annual buy).

33. RockerboxRockerbox monitors online and offline channels specifically for direct-to-consumer ecommerce and retail companies.

  • Good fit for: Direct-to-consumer brands
  • Pricing for Rockerbox: Available upon request

34. Ruler AnalyticsRuler Analytics is a closed-loop multi-channel attribution tool that helps marketers gain insight into their marketing ROI.

  • Good fit for: Data-driven teams who want to match real user details to engagement across all marketing touchpoints
  • Pricing for Ruler Analytics: £99/month for marketing attribution; £149/month for call tracking and marketing attribution

35. Singular: Singular offers marketing analytics, cost aggregation, unified marketing data, mobile attribution, ad monetization, and fraud prevention.

  • Good fit for: Marketing teams starting to scale, rapidly growing, or sophisticated teams in need of customization
  • Pricing for Singular: $799/month for standard; premium and enterprise pricing available upon request

36. Measured – Measured actually doesn’t provide attribution, although they used to – so you will likely see the name come up in your research. The niche service by Measured provides clarity on the incremental contribution, or lift, of each and every media channel and tactic vs. other channels or tactics. Measured offers scenario planning, forecasting and “what-if” analysis of shifting budgets across addressable and non-addressable media channels.

  • Good fit for: Larger companies with marketing resources to execute true incrementality
  • Pricing for Measured: Available upon request

Do Your Research on Which Attribution Software Works Best for You

Honestly, we are not huge fans of lists touted by a particular vendor. But, as a provider of impartial multi-touch attribution, we felt in the name of healthy competition and transparency it made sense to provide some options in the attribution vendor landscape. The information is out there, so we felt like saving you some time evaluating an industry we know a lot about!

But don’t take our word for it. We recommend you schedule demos with all vendors of interest, look at the case studies and testimonials on their websites, call an existing client or two, and of course check third-party review sites such as Capterra.

We’re happy to help anyone interested in multi-touch attribution learn more about what it is, how it works, and why it is so vital for enterprise marketers and agencies. Schedule a demonstration to learn how attribution would work in your use case.