The Multi-touch Attribution Starter Kit

Download The Ultimate
Attribution Starter Kit

These 11 resources will jumpstart your attribution journey and get you properly started on the path to optimized campaigns.

Want a crash course on impartial multi-touch attribution? Or have you experimented some but you want to know more – and fast?

This starter kit includes 11 resources chock full of information to help you hit the ground running. Download now to learn how to:

  • Track 100% of touchpoints and conversions
  • Capture accurate and impartial data
  • Integrate costs, revenue and external data sources
  • Maximize your return on ad spend with attribution

Find out what is inside your attribution marketing starter kit

If you want to learn about marketing attribution, you might as well go big. This conglomeration of 11 items includes deep-dive playbooks, reports, blog posts, and studies; brochures that tackle the overall topic of attribution and effective methods for measuring specific channels; and real-life case studies showing how various industries used attribution to win with its marketing campaigns.

3 In-depth industry level studies

The detailed resources below define attribution, recommend how to do it correctly, dive into specific industries that can benefit from its power, and provide all the context you need to use attribution to be a better marketer.

  • Attribution Playbook

    This guide will help you avoid common mistakes and leverage attribution to revolutionize the way you market.
  • 2020 DTC Attribution Report

    This report analyzes best practices for using various advertising mediums to achieve success in the Direct-To-Consumer industry.
  • Automotive Attribution Studies

    Learn the top 5 attribution secrets for automotive industry advertising and how those principles can be applied to other industries.

3 Attribution Overview Brochures

These short documents cover how to use marketing attribution to your advantage, as well as diving into effectiveness measurement of specific channels, such as the burgeoning podcast market and offline broadcast advertising.

  • Attribution Overview

    These short documents cover how to use marketing attribution to your advantage, as well as diving into effectiveness measurement of specific channels, such as the burgeoning podcast market and offline broadcast advertising.
  • Podcast Attribution Overview

    This brief document details how to evaluate the performance of podcast advertising, specifically.
  • Broadcast Attribution Overview

    In 5 pages, this resource breaks down how to use attribution to measure response, without bias, to broadcast advertising and optimize ad spend.

3 Market Revolutionizing Case Studies

The proof is in the pudding. These case studies highlight success stories from various industries using varied marketing channels – and leveraging attribution data and insights to measure results and optimize ad spend.

  • Ecommerce Case Study

    A manufacturer selling good directly to consumers used attribution insights to reduce ad spend while maintaining its revenue.
  • The Great American Home Store Case Study

    A furniture and mattress retailer leveraged attribution insights to measure effectiveness of its new digital and traditional broadcast advertising.
  • Agency Case Study

    A marketing agency used attribution to showcase success of its digital methods to drum up new business for traditionally non-digital clients.

2 of Our Most Popular Blog Posts

For years these two blog posts have helped our customers understand and deploy attribution. They have stood the test of time and should prove valuable on your attribution journey.

  • Google Analytics VS. Attribution

    This blog post breaks down exactly what you get from Analytics and what you get from Attribution. Hint: They are not equivalent.
  • 37 Mind-blowing Facts About Attribution

    In this post we talk about 37 eye-opening facts about attribution most marketers are not even aware of.

Fuel Marketing Growth With Impartial Multi-Touch Attribution

Learn how getting up and running quickly with attribution can make you the hero of your organization. Connect your existing marketing tools and finally start optimizing for return on ad spend.
Start Optimizing