• Blog
  • Oct 17, 2017
  • By Jeff Keenan
Radio Attribution – Time to Turn Up The Volume (Part 1 of 2)

The effectiveness of offline radio can now be measured with online attribution tools. Marketers can prove ROI for radio ads in minutes. It’s music to your ears. Play it loud!

The radio is still on, louder than ever 

Radio ad spend is said to increase 12.3% over the coming three years. In an age where everyone is talking about ‘digital’, that’s a remarkable statistic.

Clearly, radio is still going strong. But it could do even better. With the right radio attribution tools, radio could even grow its piece of the advertising budget pie. 7.3% of total media ad budget is spent on radio, but we wouldn’t be surprised to see this number grow over the years.

When marketers embrace new radio attribution technology, everything is possible.

New tech brings offline broadcasting online

All too often marketers see offline marketing as separate from online marketing. What happens is that online is easy to monitor, but whatever happened offline was everybody’s guess. “What happens offline stays offline”.

There was no way to create a complete picture of the buying journey. And consequently it was impossible to evaluate if your radio campaign was worth the money. Until now.

Rapid development of online marketing attribution technologies have made it possible to bridge the gap between offline and online activity. In a strange turn of events, online developments have made offline advertising more attractive to marketers. People simply like to listen to the radio while watching their screen. A great marriage.

The effect of what happens offline can now be measured with broadcast attribution software. You can now attribute web visits to radio exposure. It’s what marketers have been looking for decades. LeadsRx makes it possible.

Measuring increased revenue. Music to your ears.  

It is still impossible to know with absolute certainty whether someone has heard a radio ad or not. To discover the impact radio ads have on web visits, LeadsRx measures the increase in direct traffic from the exact moment the radio is aired. After that, we look at the decay of direct visits over time to attribute broadcast campaigns to conversions.

Leads that present themselves online can be linked to an offline source. You’ll be able to get a complete picture of the customer journey. That means marketers can now calculate MROI and justify radio ad spend.

Gaining the ability to attribute radio ads to online revenue isn’t nearly as complicated as you think. You can set up the technology in just minutes. Installing the LeadsRx universal tracking pixel is as easy as it gets.

Try LeadsRx now.

This text is Part 1 of 2. We’ll dig deeper in Part 2… Stay tuned.